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We can be reached by phone every weekday between 9-12am and 1-5pm or at info@formaz.be.

Phone: +32 (0)2/253 85 11


Formaz increases workplace safety through training and consultancy, mainly in relation to the use of mobile work equipment, hoisting equipment and trucks.

Periodic training reduces the risk of workplace accidents, occupational diseases and sharpens employees' safety awareness and work attitude. Moreover, employee expertise also prevents damage to goods, machinery and working environment. In addition, training gives employees a motivation boost, it strengthens their position within the company and enables internal promotion. Employers are able to retain good employees, notice increased profitability and strengthen their competitive position.

Last but not least, there is also a legal basis for organising training. Article 14.1 of the Royal Decree of 4/5/1999 on the use of mobile work equipment prescribes the following: "Self-propelled mobile work equipment may only be driven by workers who have received adequate training in the safe operation of such work equipment."