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Phone: +32 (0)2/253 85 11


Training your employees is actively encouraged by governments and sector funds, usually in the form of financial contributions.

At Formaz, we guide you through the tangle of support measures and together we find the most optimal subsidy scheme for your business. Contact us for this!

In Belgium, grants are possible at different levels:

  1. Aid to SME's (per region)
  2. Flemish training leave (per region)
  3. Sectoral grants (depending on the joint committee)
  1. Companies based in Flanders can call on the SME e-wallet for both advice and training. Our approval number DV.O 104067. See https://www.kmo-portefeuille.be SME's based in the Brussels Capital Region can apply for grants at https://be.brussels/premies-en-subsidies. In Wallonia, there are cheques-formation. More information at https://emploi.wallonie.be/nl/home/formation/cheques-formation.html
  2. For courses lasting at least 32 hours, you can apply for Paid Educational Leave for your employees. More information: Flanders (Flemish Training Leave - VOV) https://www.werk.be/online-diensten/betaald-educatief-verlof Brussel http://www.werk-economie-emploi.irisnet.be/nl Wallonië https://emploi.wallonie.be/nl/home/formation/conge-education-paye.html
  3. In addition, almost all sector funds provide grants to their members for training. For the (theoretical) e-learning part, some sector funds (Alimento, Educam, ...) does not suply grants. For more information, contact us or your sector fund.