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We can be reached by phone every weekday between 9-12am and 1-5pm or at info@formaz.be.

Phone: +32 (0)2/253 85 11

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions by trainees - training courses Internal transport and safety

This may mean that you took a course without an exam. The proof of participation is then proof that you have attended training. This could also mean that you took a course with an exam but failed. This could be a Professional Competence exam or Safety exam. In that case, you are not competent according to our exam standards. The attestation certainly has value because an exam is not required by law. Therefore, when you have a proof of participation, your employer and you are legally in order.

Your employer ultimately decides whether you are sufficiently skilled to perform your job. Most employers rely on the certificate or proof of participation obtained.

        That means you took and passed a theoretical and practical Safety exam. Formaz confirms that you can work safely with the machine.

        Your employer ultimately decides whether you are sufficiently skilled to perform your job. Most employers rely on the certificate or proof of participation obtained.

              That means you took and passed a theoretical and practical Professional Competence exam. Formaz confirms you are "professionally competent". For some courses, there is still a distinction between basic and advanced level. The exam at Formaz is based on VCA standards.

              Your employer ultimately decides whether you are sufficiently skilled to perform your job. Most employers rely on the certificate or proof of participation obtained.

                    All certificates and proofs of participation are available digitally in the central database of our website. The preface of your textbook or handout will tell you how to access it. You can also consult the certificates section of our website.

                          It will be published on our website after payment of the training invoice. This usually takes at least six weeks. So right after your training, you may not find your certificate or proof of participation yet.

                          Another reason could be that your name, first name or date of birth were incorrectly entered in our database. We use ID digipass readers or we enter your details manually, so enter your name as it appears on your identity card or as you entered it on the registration form. If it fails, contact us through the contact form of our website.

                                No, we have not been making these since 2012. You can print an A4 certificate, though. See question 4.

                                      You cannot lose your certificate or proof of participation because it is online. The online document is also the original. If you want to print a copy, you can do so on our website. See question 4.

                                            Our certificates are valid for 5 years. Every 5 years, you have to take a refresher course or a new exam. Our proofs of participation are either valid for 5 years or unlimited. Your certificate or proof of participation is only valid if it is in our central database.

                                                  Yes, we can do that for the tasks we are recognised for. This must be requested by the employer before the training starts. These exams must be communicated to Besacc in advance and require more planning.

                                                        No, the certificate or proof of participation is valid anywhere if the training took place at Formaz or if it was a general training at your employer's premises. Yes, if it was a custom-made training course that took place at your employer's premises. This is usually stated on the certificate or proof of participation. If you have a certificate or proof of participation that is valid everywhere, you should always get instruction from your employer on the machines and tasks used.

                                                              Yes. We differentiate by type of machine, not by size or brand. If you work with machines other than those in your training, specific instruction from the employer is required. Training at the employer's premises with the machines you work with, no longer requires this.

                                                                    Frequently asked questions by employers - training courses Internal transport and safety

                                                                    België (Arab & Codex Welzijn):

                                                                    • An employer must organise adequate training. Duration, content and possible examination are not specifically mentioned. The training sector has its own standards such as the high-risk tasks register of VCA or SERV (Flemish Government). Our courses and exams are based on the VCA standards if they exist for that particular training course. An exam is not mandatory in Belgium, training is. The employer always determines whether a person is sufficiently skilled to perform the safety function.

                                                                        We recommend that every employee obtain a Professional Competence. Afterwards, it is possible to move on to Safety training.

                                                                        We organise 2 types of training:

                                                                        Safety training or Refresher training with Safety exam.

                                                                        • Intended for participants with experience, with emphasis on safe working. It is a short 1-day course, which can also serve as refresher training. Training is mainly done at the employer's premises so that it is custom-made but can also be done at Formaz. Participants take a Safety exam and obtain a Safety certificate if they pass and a proof of participation if they fail.

                                                                        Professional Competence training course with Professional Competence exam:

                                                                        • Intended for participants with or without experience, with emphasis on the correct use of and learning how to work with the machine. They are multi-day courses. Training is done at Formaz or at the employer's premises. Participants take a Professional Competence exam and obtain a Professional Competence certificate if they pass and a proof of participation if they fail. A report is made of each participant. SCC attestations for the high-risk tasks register are possible on request.

                                                                        More information in the "certificates" section of this website.

                                                                          That depends on many factors: prior knowledge of the participants, number of machines, desired attestation(s). This should always be decided by mutual agreement.

                                                                                Then a re-examination may be scheduled, whether or not preceded by additional training. The participant can also (continue to) work with their proof of participation.

                                                                                      • Our certificates are valid for 5 years. Every 5 years, you have to take a refresher course or a new exam. Our proofs of participation are either valid for 5 years or unlimited. Our certificates or proofs of participation are only valid if they are in our central database.
                                                                                          • Every employer can access our central database on our website. You will be given a login and password. All training courses, certificates, proofs of participation and any reports are visible here. You can always contact us for more information.
                                                                                              • We need a (class)room to organise the theory, preferably with internet access. For the practical part, we need at least 1 machine, in good condition and inspected if necessary, and a sufficiently large demarcated practice area. Some of the training may possibly take place during the actual activity. A visit to your company can be made in advance.

                                                                                                  If we know your participants' joint committee, we will look at the options together. Remember that many grants have to be applied for in advance (with us). On our website, there is a section dedicated to grants with more information.

                                                                                                        Any questions? Contact us via the contact form or call +32 (0) 2 253 85 11