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We can be reached by phone every weekday between 9-12am and 1-5pm or at info@formaz.be.

Phone: +32 (0)2/253 85 11


Of certain courses, we offer the theoretical part through e-learning..

You can then study when and where you want, prior to the practical part.

You can find the e-learning:

  • with a laptop or desktop at https://elearning.formaz.be
  • with a mobile phone or tablet through our free app "formaz elearning" for ios and android

You can only create an account once you have received a voucher code from us. You get it when you order your training course, usually through your employer.

In the left-hand column of this page, you will find instructional videos of certain practical exams. To get a Professional Competence certificate, you also have to pass a practical exam. In the videos, we show you what competences you need to have in order to be able to succeed. We also briefly explain how to do the exercises correctly. This is especially useful if you are only taking a short training course prior to your exam or want to get a final good overview.

Some sector funds do not grant subsidies for e-learning e.g. Alimento, Educam, ... But most of the time subsidies are granted for the practical part. For more information, contact us or your sector fund.

Below is a video with an overview of how the e-learning works.